Nursing in Nepal– Barbara Waldorf, BSN, MPH

Nepal had called me back again.  My last visit there was 20 years ago, so I was very curious about the changes that had occurred, especially after the 2015 earthquake. I spent time in the capital city of Kathmandu, the surrounding small towns as well as a mountaintop...

Nursing in MSF

Doctors without Borders/Medicin Sans Frontiers is a well known international organization started in 1971 by  French Doctors who wanted to provide medical care to “where the need is greatest, delivering emergency medical aid to people affected by conflict, epidemics,...

International Nurses Day Celebration

Deb Winters has been providing HIV clinical care since 1986.  She is the Senior Nurse Advisor for I-TECH providing teaching, clinical mentoring and curriculum development that began in Ethiopia in 2003.  Deb provided an overview of I-TECH’s Nursing and Midwifery...

A “First-in-a-Lifetime” Experience

A “First-in-a-Lifetime” Experience By: Nora Carr, BSN, RN For ten days this past March, I traveled to Grenada with a group of fellow nurse practitioner students and faculty members from Regis College.   Nurses and students tend to naturally be inquisitive and as a...
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